Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Intimate friend and lover[ZT]

时下的女人们流行拥有一种爱,叫知己之爱,也叫第三类情感。 说是在情人之下,朋友之上的纯洁的没有肉体关系,却又胜于拥有肉体关系的感情。 知己,可以是统称,无论同性异性皆可以。 然而,女人的蓝颜知己却是带着暧昧色彩的。 说是纯洁的,其实绝对不会纯洁到没有半点身体接触的。 可以是没有发生过性关系的,但是绝对不会是没有碰触过手指的。因为有了身体初步 的接触,才会在两个人之间产生暧昧的情绪,就算是从来未曾见面的人,也必然是在电 话里电脑里彼此掏心挖肺的讲述彼此的故事了的。 知己的含义就是让对方彻底的了解自己。 蓝颜知己,就是在老公与男朋友之下,在其他男性朋友之上的男人。 女人可以对这个男人讲述不能跟老公或者男朋友讲的任何话题,也可以哭诉自己男人 给自己所受的委屈,因为是知己,所以他会怜惜你,会站在你的角度为你说话,会在你 被伤害的时候给你一个温暖的怀抱,给你以为是不带任何一点情欲的拥抱。 蓝颜知己,是真正了解女人心理,了解女人感情的男人,不会时刻为女人的每一个喜 怒哀乐而牵挂,却会在见面的时候为她的每一滴眼泪而心疼,会为她每一次笑容而悦 然,是在女人受伤委屈的时候第一时间想起的那个人。 女人总有许多话不能告诉自己身边的男人也不能告诉最亲近的女朋友,于是,寻觅着 一个可以关心她爱护她却又不会让她痛苦折磨自己去想去爱去恨的男人。 蓝颜知己,可以掩饰的说,是兄弟,是姐妹。是对方没有把自己当成女人,自己也没 有把对方当成男人的关系,其实越是这样不断的重申,就越是担心自己会走出那一步。 知己是和很危险的关系,稍微向前一步,就会失足出轨。 男人对女人好的唯一目的,不是得到这个女人的心,便是得到这个女人的身体。仅此 而已。 而女人对男人好的目的也不外乎如此,只是得到身体的欲望不及得到心的欲望来的真 切。女人更在乎的是心,得到一个男人的心比得到他的身体更让女人骄傲自豪,而男人 在乎的却是身体,得到更多女人的身体比得到更多女人的心更要值得炫耀,得到太多的 心,只会给男人带来负担。 女人要是想拴住蓝颜知己的心一辈子,只有做到一辈子不让对方得到自己的身体,还 要做到让自己在他心里的地位一直都不变,只有付出才会有回报,你的关心自然也会得 到对方的关心。 如果没有细心无微的关怀,又怎么会得到男人甘心做你一生知己的可能呢? 要别人无微不至的关心你疼爱你,只有你自己先告诉别人你自己心里的秘密与委屈。 人与人之间都是相互的,爱情不会是付出就会有回报,但是友谊却一定是会有回报 的。我们都拥有或多或少的朋友,但是一定会有一个永远贴己的男性朋友陪在身边或者 活在心里。 谁也不要逃避,也不要以为自己是爱上对方了,那不是爱,那只是依赖而已。 当你开始依赖一个人的时候,自然他有着让你诚服的魅力,你要小心,不要将自己陷 进去了,蓝颜知己,就是最容易让女人出轨的对象,真正能清清白白做一生最亲密的男 女知己的,是少之又少的,这就要看男人女人怎样把持自己了。 说到把持,关于知己之间相处的度,需要衡量清楚。 女人应该明白知己与爱人之间的差别。 知己可以说心里话,却不能相互取暖,知己之间唯一的取暖方式只能是心灵的取暖, 万不能变成身体取暖,一旦成身体取暖,知己就会面临两个结果,要么失去,要么升级 成为情人。 可是拥有一个对你了解十分透彻的情人是件多么危险的事情! 可是一旦失去知己,你会比失去爱人还要痛苦。 女人,一定要考虑清楚,是让他做你的蓝颜知己还是做你的情人,一旦定位,就要把 持自己的度了。 不要相信任何男人说的“我告诉你一切都是因为你是我的知己”。 男人对女人说她是他的知己,其实企图很明显。女人的心最容易被“知己”这个词语 所感动,她小小的虚荣会觉得自己居然能在一个男人心里占那么大一个位置,他居然那 么相信她,因为感动,便会双倍回报,也许一不小心会把整个人都搭进去。 面对男人主动说自己是他的知己,记住一定要仔细观察,千万不要被虚荣冲昏了头 脑,不要载进了男人玩了千百次仍然乐此不疲的游戏。 一个稳重的男人,一个真正把你当知己的男人,不会轻易说出她把你当初知己的,只 会在偶尔的时候偷偷告诉你他的一些想法,也会在幸福的时候给你一个小小的祝福,不 会每天都打电话,也不会每天什么事情都汇报,他当你是知己,只会告诉你重点,不会 向你倾诉烦恼,却会在决定某件事情之前询问你的意见。 男人的知己,应该是对自己事业与生活情感都能出谋划策的女人,而不是每天都在一 起吃饭玩耍什么苦恼都向你倾诉的那种,什么都向你倾诉还要把自己说的百般可怜的男 人,女人们尤其要小心,因为这样的男人很狡猾,他们在利用女人天生的善良与同情 心。当你相信他了,也为他的遭遇而心疼不已的时候,你就会更加去关心他,更加的照 顾他,甚至会想要一辈子都不要他再受到这样的伤害,于是就会把自己给载进男人设立 的苦肉陷井里。 对于这样挂着“知己”旗帜却说了暧昧话语的男人,女人一定要避而远之,那是十分 危险的男人。因为不够心诚,带着欺骗性质的感情便不是爱情也不是友情。 女人对男人说“你是我的知己。”那是带着感恩的态度说的。 一般情况下,说这话的时候,女人都是感情很脆弱的时候,女人喜欢把内心真实的感 觉说出来,就算是城府很深的女人也不会利用知己这个身份来接近男人啊,因为女人们 应该明白,男人是不会对自己的知己动非份之想的,因为他们一般只想一辈子疼惜对方 感受那种暧昧而已,如果真的得到了知己的心与身体,反而没有了起初那种悸动了。 男人的红颜知己是可以一辈子尊重的女人,不会有任何非份之想。 女人的蓝颜知己却是可以一辈子倾诉烦恼发泄痛苦的地方,他无偿的付出与关爱,只 能因为他对你心中有爱,如果你要他永远那样疼你珍惜你,就永远不要让你的蓝颜知己 上你的床。

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pass the qualification of official exam

Now,i have passed the qualification of official exam that will hold up in the next moth.Despite i passed the check,i don't have enought confidence to participate in the exam because of lack of study time and lots of candidates for this position.
But i don't give up the chance to pass and the opportunity to work in the government.I think there is a way to woke and to succeed.I hope i will have a good luck,hei,hei...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Sudden Refuse


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Excursion in Beijing

After interviewing with boss in Tianjin,i went to Beijing and stayed my old student's school of Science & Technology University from 9th to 12th.

08.10.09: Water Cuber in the night

08.10.10:Tsinghua University

08.10.11: Bird Nest

08.10.12:Wang Fujing Steet & Tian Anmen

Monday, October 13, 2008

Interview with Ph.D Boss

Today,I have gone back home from Beijing by the train of K53.I spent 4 days from 8th to 12th in the city of Beijing and Tianjin.I am very happy with the success of interview with Ph.D Boss who is a Tianjin University's Ph.D Boss.I was got at Tianjin University at 9th, and we were told about the work that i studied and made experiments in my school.It is mybe that he was content with my work.So we went me to remain my now boss's way to contact to him,and we will decide to select the subjects of enterence exam and other relective things in the end of this moth.I think that it maybe succeed!

The schedule of interview with Ph.D's Boss:

08.9.01:send first email to boss

08.9.03:reply my email second times and express the possibility.

08.9.19:call boss to ask for the oppertunity of interview about the middle of next moth

08.10.07:again call boss and ask me to get Tianjing University to interview with him before 10th

08.10.08:go to Beijing by Bullet Train at 13:00pm and get to Beijing at 17:00 ,and stay at Li Zhi's dorm.

08.10.09:get to Tianjin Univertiy at 9:30am by bullet train from Beijing to Tianjin

back Beijing at 14:50pm by bullet train from Tianjin to Beijing

08.10.13 get home at 7:20am from Beijing to Shenyang by train of k53

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A trip to Tianjin

Because of changing original schedual of the interview with boss,i had to break my plan which have made.I must arrive in Tianjin before 10th this month,while today have been 7th.Well,the ticket go to Tianjin have sold out these days.So I had to buy the trian ticket to Beijing then go to Tian Jin.
Owing to save time,i buy the ticket of bullet train tomorrow from Shenyang at 13:00pm to Beijing at 17:00pm,it is very convenient and quick!
Then second day of 9th ,i will get the bullet trian to Tianjin and take a interview with Ph.D Boss.
Hope me have a happy trip and a successful result!Good Luck!

Friday, October 3, 2008


With the economy rapidly developing and people's level of lift improving,more and more people,especially young people,like e-bank.Great efficieny ,convenience and easiness have contributed to the development of e-bank.

Today,i have applied for a car with service of e-bank because of going shopping online and consuming on supermaket and other cities.

Now,lots of banks have this kind service such as Gong Shang Bank and Zhao Shang Bank and so on.I select Gong Shang Bank,and it is one of the best safty e-bank.When you apply for this business ,it is very easy only to fill in a form and spend the cost of e-banking code car and annual service added to 15 RMB including the password-car used in online shopping.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The feeling of using YP-U4

1 设计外观:Samsung的Mp3在外观上应该在同类产品中算是比较领先的,无论是外型设计还是颜色款式都是比较符合视觉效果的。这款Samsung的Mp3共有三种颜色,蓝,紫,红,都是采用了渐变的视觉设计,金属质感(工程塑料)。
2 功能:还算是中规中矩,含有同类产品的绝大部分功能。

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Take a break!

After a few days when i made experiment in my lab,i have stayed at home now.Because i was busying with my graduate papers,i had to contiune to working for my papers.Today,my roommate and i togther go shopping to Zhong Jie,it is amazing that millions of people in that way even that we eat our lunch in the road but restaurant because of that boring numbers of people! I plan to spend my Nation Day holiday at home for three days.
I will take three days to prepare for interview with Ph.D Boss.Well, i also take a break in order to face future challenge!